‘So, class, what do you really think of World War Three. Be honest, how is it for you. Yes, Tracey.’
‘It’s boring sir, nothing’s happening. Can we go home early sir?’
‘No, you can’t. Darren, what do you think?’
‘I didn’t have my hand up sir.’
‘I know, you were busy texting. So, any thoughts?’
‘Dunno sir. My phone’s stopped working.’
‘Darren, I despair sometimes. Okay, let’s see… Martin.’
‘Cyberspace sir, it’s all happening in cyberspace. In the circuits and radio waves all around us.’
‘Ah, Martin the scientist, thank you so much. Anybody scared? Worried?’
‘No sir.’
‘Right then, homework.’
This work remains the property of the author and no reproduction of it may take place without the expressed written permission of the author. If you wish to contact the author please contact Tortive Lit.